What is Circlesongs?
What is Circlesongs?
A wise person once said, “Whatever the question, the answer is Community.” By singing together we are able to nourish a fundamental human need for connection: real eye-to-eye, heart-to-heart, human connection. As we grow ever more distant and isolated from each other in our digital lives, Circlesongs provides us with an opportunity to counterbalance the growing trend of hate and xenophobia in our world by coming together to practice inclusivity through the sharing of our cultures, and co-creating something beautiful and harmonious from of our differences.
We each bring to the Circle a unique voice, and even if you’ve never sung before, you have a song that needs to be heard. The songs you carry are the result of your entire life’s story - your hardships and your triumphs, your grief and your joy, your wisdom and knowledge. By sharing these stories musically in a supportive, caring environment, we get to learn about ourselves in relation to one another. Circlesongs teaches us how to take care of each other by taking care of ourselves, how to balance being an individual within a group - a community - the world. It can teach us how to collaborate, problem solve, share leadership, and of course, how to play and have a lot of fun along the way!
Who we are
Bram Kaprow
Bram Kaprow has been Circlesinging since 2019 when he traveled to the Omega Institute to study with Bobby McFerrin and a diverse team of incredible musicians from around the world. Since then he has continued learning the art of Collaborative Vocal Improvisation (CVI) and facilitation through leading groups of his own and studying directly with Circlesongschool faculty including Rhiannon and Judi Vinar, long-time Voicestra members and Bobby collaborators.
Bram brings to Circlesinging a diverse background weaving together study in the Arts & Music, Improv Comedy, Aikido, Yoga, Mindfulness Practices & Meditation, Depth Psychology, Shamanism, and Trauma-Informed Somatic Practices.
He holds multiple certifications in the Somatic therapy field, including SEP (Somatic Experiencing®) and Kathy Kain’s Touch Skills (Somatic Practice). He was a OIX Practitioner and mentor for helping professionals, overseeing their development during the 3-year Human Empowerment and Resiliency Trainings (HEART) for Organic Intelligence®.